Our branch in the Black Country
Learn, collaborate and network with CIPD members and people professionals in the Black Country
Learn, collaborate and network with CIPD members and people professionals in the Black Country
A very warm welcome to the CIPD Black Country Branch website.
Our purpose is to promote and champion the objectives of the CIPD and act as a channel to ensure that local CIPD members are given opportunities to continue with their professional development, remain up to date with current HR issues and network with colleagues across the region. We are also keen to promote and grow the profession and have strong links with local colleges and universities delivering CIPD qualifications.
We have over 2,000 members in our branch. We believe you can benefit most from your membership by joining us for branch activities, and attending our events. We’re working hard to continue to provide a comprehensive programme of events for members, enabling us to share the benefit and expertise of a range of speakers and leaders in our profession. Details of all our events are listed on Eventbrite where you can book your space.
We welcome your feedback on past events and also suggestions for any future events that you would like to see.
I look forward to hearing from you, and meeting you at one of the events.
Neil Smith, Assoc CIPD
Branch Chair
Our members rate their access to a local branch in their top three membership benefits. Come along to our branch events to discover other CIPD benefits. Explore the issues and trends impacting our profession. Network, learn and share ideas with people professionals in our area.
We're looking for volunteers to join the branch committee to continue to take the branch forward, to raise our profile locally and help deliver a diverse range of events for our members.
If you're interested in finding out more, come along to one of our events and speak with one of our committee members. There will either be opportunities available immediately, or we may ask you to join our waiting list so that we can contact you when a role becomes available that matches your skills.
Our branch events are aimed at CIPD members and are a key benefit of membership. We also run occasional events for members and potential members to provide information and explore the many benefits of CIPD membership.
With workshops, round tables, panel discussions and expert speakers, our thought-provoking events cover everything our community needs. Network, learn and stay up to date.
Keen to get involved, give back or raise your profile? Whatever your skills and interests, learn more about branch volunteering.
Just starting out on your career? Want to meet experienced people professionals and keep up to date with all the topics you cover in your studies? We’re here for you as you study for your CIPD qualification.
Want to get involved? Got an idea for an event? We want to hear from you!
Email usWe currently run one SIG which is for people profesisonals who work in Organsiational Development or want to know more about this area. The group runs networking and learning events.
Get in touch to find out more. And let us know your ideas for other special interest groups.
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