Flexible and hybrid working practices in 2023
Our research explores employer and employee perspectives of flexible and hybrid working practices and asks whether organisations are doing enough to meet employee demand
Our research explores employer and employee perspectives of flexible and hybrid working practices and asks whether organisations are doing enough to meet employee demand
While our research showed an increase in requests for flexible and hybrid working, and that three-fifths of employers already offer this, we also found that there’s unmet demand for varying types of flexible working. Considering that 6% of employees changed jobs last year due to a lack of options – and 12% left their profession/sector altogether – it is essential for employers to increase both formal and informal flexible working arrangements to improve staff retention and attract the best talent.
The UK Government’s proposal to make the right to request flexible working from day one, rather than after 26 weeks of employment, is likely to further escalate the amount of flexible working requests from employees. But our research shows 49% of organisations were unaware of the impending changes.
While a myth persists that flexible and hybrid working is only suitable for certain industries, an increase in access to different forms of flexibility, including different start and finish times, compressed hours, job-shares, the ability to swap shifts, etc, will help organisations offer better options to their employees, regardless of their job role or sector they work in.
This report explores the current state of flexible and hybrid working practices from both an employer and employee perspective, providing insights into the wider impact on productivity, performance, employee engagement, wellbeing, organisational culture, and equality, diversity and inclusion.
While these findings are based on UK data, the broader trends and implications should be of interest wherever you are based.
When looking at the wider impact of hybrid working, employers are most likely to say it has brought a positive impact for:
They are most likely to say it has brought a negative impact for:
Read our 4 case studies to find out how other organisations are managing flexible and hybrid working:
Tackling barriers to work today whilst creating inclusive workplaces of tomorrow.
Discover our practice guidance and recommendations to tackle bullying and harassment in the workplace.
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Trend analysis and benchmarking data on recruitment, retention and talent management to inform HR and employers on practice considerations and decision-making
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