The CIPD has named the NHS in England as its latest People Development Partner. The partnership recognises the NHS’ dedication to developing and transforming people services across its 1.4 million strong workforce. 

The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan (NHS LTWP) lays out how to make the right people with the right skills stay in the NHS for the future. It also includes plans for the biggest recruitment drive in NHS history and how technology will be best used to improve patient care.

To achieve PDP status, NHS England developed the NHS People Profession Map, which defines the values, knowledge, and behaviors that NHS people professionals in England demonstrate as experts in people, work and change. The Map is underpinned by the  CIPD profession map. 

"We're delighted to have achieved CIPD PDP status, showing our commitment through our customised NHS People Profession Map, training, accreditation and apprenticeship framework. We're already seeing positive outcomes, advancing our ongoing journey to better support our people and meet the needs of our communities." 

Thomas Simons, Chief HR & OD Officer, NHS England

As a result of this: 

  • An increasing number of NHS HR & Organisational Development (OD) staff are completing an experience assessment, which demonstrates their knowledge as well giving an opportunity to reflect on their skills and behaviours. 
  • Over 250 NHS people professionals in England have completed accredited programmes in strategic workforce planning and EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion). 
  • People professionals at all levels, now have an additional route into the people profession, thanks to a new apprenticeship framework.  

By building capability and expertise, NHS people services in England are better positioned to help transform organisational culture and service delivery, to better meet the needs of patients and communities. 

“It's fantastic that the NHS in England is recognised as a PDP, rewarding their commitment to building a strong evidence-based HR and OD function. We look forward to continuing our partnership to enhance their workforce impact and improve health outcomes for all.” 

Adam Stanbury, Head of Employer Solutions at the CIPD

Future initiatives will include: 

  • Creating a career framework for people professionals, aligned with the NHS People Profession Map. This will include career pathways and guidance to help with career planning and skills improvement. 
  • Setting up a national framework for experience assessments for NHS organisations.  
  • Committing to having more NHS people professionals complete strategic workforce planning and EDI accredited programmes, and developing specialised programmes for people professionals. 
  • Working with the CIPD and Civil Service to create a Chief People Officer development programme for NHS Chief People Officers/HR Directors. 

Peter Cheese, Chief Executive of the CIPD and Thomas Simons, Chief HR & OD Officer at NHS England, signed the partnership agreement on Tuesday 7 May. 

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