Self-directed learning is nothing new. As early as 1840, self-development has been celebrated and today, with the rise of new technologies and social platforms, self-directed learning is more accessible and relevant than ever before. So why are many organisations resistant to the idea of self-directed learning?

Self-directed learning represents a move away from traditional, classroom-based learning, empowering individuals to take charge of their own learning needs. It allows learners to proceed at their own pace, according to their own needs and in a style that suits them. However, it is not without its challenges.

In this episode we explore what self-directed learning looks like in today’s organisations and what challenges and opportunities it offers for both the individuals and their businesses. We ask how L&D professionals can best support self-directed learners and what conditions are necessary for self-directed learning to be successful in an organisation.

Duration: 00:11:04

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