Zero-hours contracts first entered the public debate in 2013 and remain at the centre of discussion around job quality and employment contract offerings.

This report draws on a new survey of employers, to review the evolution and current status of zero-hours contracts. The report explores their potential benefits and disadvantages, why employers use them and the level of satisfaction zero-hours workers have with their jobs and working arrangements.

Download the report to find out more

Zero-hours contracts: evolution and current status

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Key recommendations

  • The introduction of a right for variable hours workers to request a more stable contract or working arrangement after six months' employment.
  • The creation of a statutory code of practice on the responsible management of zero-hours workers – including compensation for workers if shifts are cancelled at short notice.
  • Improved labour market enforcement, including through the creation of a Single Enforcement Body and a stronger focus on supporting employer compliance.
  • The abolition of 'worker status' to help clarify and enhance employment rights for zero-hours workers more widely.

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