Employment law

Practical resources to help you address employment law issues at work, and keep up with recent and pending legislation.

25 Employment law about Employment law
Employment law
Sick Leave Act and absence management: Ireland employment law
Information on the legislation provides for a statutory sick pay scheme in Ireland
For Members
Employment law
Agency workers: Ireland employment law
Information relating to agency workers, including qualifying periods and the hirer's obligations under the Protection of Employees (Temporary Agency Work) Act 2012
For Members
Employment law
Work Life Balance: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to remote working, medical care leave, domestic abuse, work life balance and the right to disconnect
For Members
Employment law
Equality: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to equality, including how it applies to disability, pregnancy and age discrimination
For Members
Employment law
Brexit FAQs for people professionals
Answers to frequently asked questions on the impact of Brexit in Ireland
For Members
Employment law
Zero-hours contracts, banded hours and uncertain work: Ireland employment law
Sets out protections for employees in respect of zero-hours contracts, banded hours and uncertain working conditions
For Members
Employment law
Whistleblowing: Ireland employment law
Information on key aspects of the Protected Disclosures Acts 2014 to 2022 including who is protected, what a 'protected disclosure' is, disclosure channels and protections, contracting out and compensation
For Members
Employment law
Working time: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to working time, including the key entitlements under the working time regulations and covers the 48 hour average week, breaks during work, daily rest entitlement, weekly rest periods, compensatory rest, annual leave, Sunday working and night work
For Members
Employment law
Health and safety: Ireland employment law
Information on health and safety legislation, including the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 such as the safety statement, general duties, employees' rights and duties and penalties
For Members
Employment law
Employee relations: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to strikes and picketing
For Members
Employment law
Leave entitlements: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to holidays and time off
For Members
Employment law
Discipline and grievance: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to discipline and grievance procedures, including the statutory Code of Practice that covers the stages required in dealing with grievance and disciplinary matters and the sanctions allowed under the Code from an oral warning to dismissal, warnings and disciplinary hearings
For Members
Employment law
Maternity and parental rights: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to maternity leave, paternity leave, parents leave and parental leave
For Members
Employment law
Data protection: Ireland employment law
Information on how data protection impacts on Irish employment law, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018
For Members
Employment law
TUPE: Ireland employment law
Information on the transfer of undertakings legislation, including how the regulations are derived from EU law and when they apply
For Members
Employment law
Bullying: Ireland employment law
Information on the Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work 2020
For Members
Employment law
Fixed-term workers: Ireland employment law
Introductory guidance on the law relating to fixed-term workers
For Members
Employment law
Dismissal: Ireland employment law
Information on dismissal law, including unfair dismissal and wrongful dismissal, how claims can arise, the importance of fair procedures and the remedies that courts can award to employees in dismissal cases
For Members
Employment law
The resolution of statutory employment claims: Ireland employment law
Information on the workplace relations regime for employment related claims, including how the system works, time limits for bringing a claim, and how disputes and appeals are handled
For Members
Employment law
Employee contracts, statements of terms of employment and handbooks: Ireland employment law
Information on the reasons for having a written contract of employment and the law governing terms and conditions of employment
For Members
Employment law
Pay and reward: Ireland employment law
Information on the legal issues relating to employers’ pension obligations and the law relating to voluntary tips and gratuities
For Members
Employment law
Wellbeing and stress: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to stress, including the importance of prevention, management of the problem and provisions under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 to 2014
For Members
Employment law
Retirement: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to retirement ages
For Members
Employment law
Redundancy: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to redundancy, including the notice of redundancy, redundancy pay and time off
For Members


Research and analysis by experts from CIPD and partner organisations

Two Reports about Employment law
Zero-hours contracts: evolution and current status
An evaluation of the use and impact of zero-hours contracts
Employers’ legal guide to post-Brexit immigration
Practical guidance on navigating the UK’s new points-based system for HR and employers


Webinar recordings providing expert guidance

Two Webinars about Employment law
CIPD Ireland Employment Law Seminar – presentations
Download the presentations from the seminar below
Employment Law Update
Watch our CIPD Western Region webinar unpacking recent employment law updates in Ireland

Policy engagements

Our calls for action.

Two Policy engagements about Employment law
Policy engagement
Calling for a more progressive and supportive approach to enforcing employment rights
Read our letter to the UK’s Director of Labour Market Enforcement as part of the call for evidence for the Labour Market Enforcement Strategy 2024 to 2025
Policy engagement
Good work plan: establishing a new single enforcement body for employment rights
Read the CIPD's submission to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy


We offer a range of evidence-based courses tauilored to suit you and your needs.
Our Essential Insights courses are free as part of the CIPD membership.

Fundamentals of Employment Law

Gain the fundamentals of employment law so you can confidently handle common employment issues that arise on a day-to-day basis.

Employment Law Practitioner F2F

Discover how to resolve workplace legal issues that arise during the employment journey through a legal and compliant lens.

Employment Law Practitioner - Online class

Resolve employment law and workplace related issues with a confident, legal and wholly compliant approach.

Employment Law for Line Managers (England and Wales) Essential Insights

This course will provide you with a high-level overview of UK employment law. Explore the breadth of employment law and how it influences work in the UK, particularly in relation to people management.

Employment Law update

Stay abreast with the latest employment law changes update to deepen your knowledge and maintain organisational compliance. This engaging workshop will provide you with valuable practical insights and will cover England and Wales employment law and will have references to the law in Scotland.

law advice

Want more employment law advice? Members can take out a discounted subscription to HR-inform for additional resources.

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