Redundancy can be one of the most distressing events an employee can experience. Managing redundancy requires effective people management policies and procedures.

Explore our resources for information on termination of employment, voluntary redundancy, redundancy pay, redundancy counselling and redeployment.

Employment law

Practical resources to help you address employment law issues at work, and keep up with recent and pending legislation.

One Employment law about Redundancy
Employment law
Redundancy: Ireland employment law
Information on the law relating to redundancy, including the notice of redundancy, redundancy pay and time off
For Members

Thought leadership

Insight and foresight from our experts in people and the world of work

Two Thought leadership about Redundancy
Thought leadership
How to limit ‘the sinking ship syndrome’ during redundancies
Dr Madeleine Petzer examines how to mitigate the impact of redundancies on victims, survivors and envoys
Thought leadership
Coronavirus and the workforce: how can we limit redundancies?
Dr Madeleine Petzer advises on ten actions to take to try to avoid job losses


Webinar recordings providing expert guidance

Two Webinars about Redundancy
Navigating an economic downturn – and looking after your people
Experts discuss avoiding and managing redundancies, legal requirements and managing your own wellbeing.
How to get redundancies right
Watch our webinar discussing how employers and people professionals can approach redundancies with compassion

Bitesize research

Your regular overview of current research, inspiring insights and cutting-edge ideas in bitesize

Seven Bitesize research about Redundancy
Bitesize research
Pay cuts as an alternative to redundancies
When cost savings are required, what is the impact of making pay cuts instead of redundancies?
For Members
Bitesize research
Refocus, reorganise and rebuild
An eight-step model for minimising employee burnout after multiple redundancy programmes
For Members
Bitesize research
Don’t shoot the messenger!
Understanding the emotional effects job cuts can have on the ‘envoys’ who are responsible for the redundancy process
For Members
Bitesize research
Compassionate redundancy during COVID-19
Getting redundancies right
For Members
Bitesize research
‘Enduring’ redundancy
Pinpointing a new type of employee affected by the organisational restructuring processes – ‘the endurer’ – these authors explain the importance of ongoing communication and building a positive psychological contract as a result of changes to job roles.
For Members
Bitesize research
Cut hours, not people
Avoiding redundancies via flexible working practices
For Members
Bitesize research
The psychological impact of making redundancies
Limiting the impact of conveying bad news during redundancy situations
For Members

Policy engagements

Our calls for action.

One Policy engagement about Redundancy
Policy engagement
Pregnancy and maternity discrimination: extending redundancy protection for women and new parents
Read the CIPD’s submission to the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy

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