We understand that receiving a Fail outcome will be disappointing and we'll do everything we can to support you to achieve a successful outcome. Resits and retakes are available to apprentices with their employers’ authorisation due to additional costs.
It is important to consider whether a retake or a resit is more appropriate. In most instances if only one assessment method needs to be reassessed then a resit is the right choice. Where both assessment methods need to be reassessed, a retake would be the best option.
If an apprentice is undertaking a retake they will need to agree a training and development plan with their employer and training provider to make sure they’re ready for EPA again. Retakes will follow the same rules as the initial End Point Assessment.
The rules for resits vary from standard to standard so please read the Resit Policy and Guidance for your apprenticeship standard to help prepare.
Results for resits/retakes will be released on SmartEPA (SEPA) approximately two to three weeks after the date of assessment. To book a resit or a retake, contact MyEPA@cipd.co.uk.
Consultative Project: £250
Professional Discussion: £250
Consultative Project: £250
Professional Discussion: £250
EPA1 - Work-Based Project and Professional Discussion: £540
EPA2 - Presentation and Q&A: £540
EPA1 - Work-Based Project and Professional Discussion: £630
EPA2 - Presentation and Q&A: £630
Professional Discussion: £POA
Project Proposal, Presentation and Questioning: £POA
Support materials equipping you for success
Costs and fees related to apprenticeship programmes.
As the professional body for the people profession, the CIPD has huge experience in assessing professional standards for HR, L&D and OD