Productivity can be thought of as how effective your organisation and employees produce value both individually and collectively.

Explore our resources to strengthen your understanding of what makes some organisations more productive than others. Download our reports to find out the factors required to influence and motivate organisations to increase their productivity.



Research and analysis by experts from CIPD and partner organisations

Two Reports about Productivity
An update on flexible and hybrid working practices
Our report and accompanying case studies consider the implications, challenges and benefits of hybrid and flexible working for organisations and their employees
Building HR capability in small UK firms
An evaluation of the People Skills HR business support pilots programme

Case studies

Learn from real world examples of how other people professionals and organisations work with the CIPD to approach key challenges and objectives.

One Case study about Productivity
Case study
Solving business problems with people analytics: Financial Times
Understanding engagement to improve productivity

Thought leadership

Insight and foresight from our experts in people and the world of work

Two Thought leadership about Productivity
Thought leadership
Achieving goals: Why a different approach could bring greater success
Wishful thinking doesn’t get you very far – bring WOOP into the workplace to empower yourself and your employees
Thought leadership
Can the four-day week solve work-life balance?
This thought piece explores why a four-day working week won’t create better work-life balance


Listen to episodes from our podcast series on a range of topical workplace, HR and L&D issues.

Two Podcasts about Productivity
Driving performance with L&D
Episode 140: How can learning and development professionals drive performance and productivity in their organisations?
The Engagement Myth
Episode 135: Is there a connection between productivity and engagement? We hear from three HR experts on this highly debated question.


Webinar recordings providing expert guidance

One Webinar about Productivity
Remote working: maintaining productivity
Watch a video and download slides from our webinar discussing how employers and people professionals can keep remote workers motivated and engaged

Evidence reviews

Evidence reviews enable you to ask the critical questions and use evidence for better decision-making.

Five Evidence reviews about Productivity
Evidence review
High-performing teams: An evidence review
Explore the latest research on how to create a positive environment to build and nurture effective teams
Evidence review
Productive meetings: An evidence review
This evidence review summarises the latest research on the effective management of meetings and offers recommendations to get the most out of them
For Members
Evidence review
Knowledge work performance: An evidence review
Our research explores the definition of knowledge work and the key factors that support knowledge worker performance
For Members
Evidence review
Performance feedback: An evidence review
Our research explores the factors that make feedback effective in improving performance and how this can be put into practice by people professionals
For Members
Evidence review
People performance: an evidence review
Our research explores individual and team performance, how it can be measured, and which models can be used to evaluate it
For Members

Bitesize research

Your regular overview of current research, inspiring insights and cutting-edge ideas in bitesize

Eight Bitesize research about Productivity
Bitesize research
Is office space essential for productive work?
Evaluating the pros and cons of working in shared office spaces, and how they impact on productivity
For Members
Bitesize research
What does 50 years of research reveal about the 4-day work week?
A four-day working week is not a one-size-fits-all intervention and can vary in impact depending on context and the model adopted
For Members
Bitesize research
Why employees with more flexible working options work harder
Research suggests that increasing flexible working options for employees in routine jobs boosts productivity
For Members
Bitesize research
Going for growth
Explore how business growth has evolved
For Members
Bitesize research
Exploring the link between UK productivity and wage growth
Why has productivity and wage growth decoupled?
For Members
Bitesize research
Working effectively across boundaries
Read more about enabling cross-boundary teamwork
For Members
Bitesize research
Crafting your own job
Explore the impact of job crafting
For Members
Bitesize research
Reinvigorating the productivity cycle: the people factor
Find out how to unlock productivity
For Members

Policy engagements

Our calls for action.

Two Policy engagements about Productivity
Policy engagement
Calling for a comprehensive economic strategy to help the UK out of recession
Read our submission to the UK’s Chancellor, ahead of the March 2024 budget statement
Policy engagement
A revitalised industrial strategy to boost innovation and productivity across all sectors of the UK's economy
We’ve been engaging with key stakeholders and policy makers to make the case for changes to a range of policy areas including skills development and labour market enforcement

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CIPD Update

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- Exclusive invitations to our free networking events, webinars, information sessions, focus groups and HR/L&D roundtables. 

- CIPD Middle East Monthly Update - the most relevant HR / L&D news, research and advice, in a condensed and easy-to-read format; sourced directly from CIPD experts and industry leaders.

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