Essential points

  • In UK law many organisations are required to report their gender pay gap annually. Non-compliance with reporting comes with penalties.
  • The CIPD define the gender pay gap as “a measure of labour market or workplace disadvantage, expressed in terms of a comparison between men’s and women’s average (median) hourly rates of pay. It’s about pay, but also about other factors.” 
  • Specific organisations have additional reporting obligations aimed at ensuring greater pay transparency and progressing equality.   
  • The gender pay gap has not improved in five years of reporting between 2017-2023.  
  • Organisations must be conscious of further legal requirements operating across Europe.  
  • The guidance issued below relates to gender pay gap reporting in England, Scotland and Wales. 

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Please note: While every care has been taken in compiling this content, CIPD cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. These notes are not intended to be a substitute for specific legal advice. 

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