Industrial change has forced organisations to adapt to alternative, often digitally-based, business models; 24/7 operating hours; and changing consumer demands requiring rapid responses from businesses. Being able to think – and act – in an agile manner is essential in this environment, yet our People Profession survey 2020 found that only half of people professionals believed their people functions were in a position to adapt accordingly if desired outcomes weren’t met.

How is industrial change and organisational agility driving change in your organisation?

Explore our curated content to get started


Change management

Learn how to manage, enable and support change management initiatives effectively

For Members

Thought leadership

What lessons can COVID-19 teach us about organisational change?

This article argues that the current crisis has presented people professionals with a host of opportunities for long-term change which should be capitalised on now


Adopting agility: is it for everyone?

This podcast looks at what it means for an organisation to be ‘agile’ in today’s business world

Visit the Hackathon

Join the CIPD’s virtual Hackathon to share your thoughts on how industrial change and organisational agility is driving change in your organisation.

Next: Workforce diversity and changing demographics

Curated content to support the fifth trend of the CIPD’s People Profession 2030 virtual Hackathon

Continue to ‘Workforce diversity and changing demographics’

More on this topic

Working Lives Scotland

Dedicated analysis of job quality and its impact on working lives in Scotland

Thought leadership
Benchmarking employee turnover: Latest trends and insights

Understanding how your organisation compares can enable you to stay ahead, retain valuable employees, and understand the cost of attrition to your organisation

CIPD Good Work Index

The CIPD Good Work Index provides an annual snapshot of job quality in the UK, giving insight to drive improvement to working lives

Thought leadership
Agile pay methods: What HR should consider

While offering different pay methods could be a boost for employees, we need to ensure there are no unintended consequences

More reports

CIPD Good Work Index: Northern Ireland

A Northern Ireland summary of the CIPD Good Work Index 2024 survey report

CIPD Good Work Index: Wales

A Wales summary of the CIPD Good Work Index 2024 survey report

Working Lives Scotland

Dedicated analysis of job quality and its impact on working lives in Scotland

CIPD Good Work Index: North of England

A North of England summary of the CIPD Good Work Index 2024 survey report

See all reports