Employment status is increasingly important as new ways of working, such as in the ‘gig economy’, become more commonplace. Organisations providing daily services to consumers, such as food delivery and taxis, or providing courier services to other employers, rely on a workforce who may be combining work with education or caring responsibilities, or who just want a better work-life balance, and who wish to work only when they choose to. Organisations need to know what their responsibilities are in this new environment, not least because of the legal risks involved if they don’t reflect their workforce's rights.

This factsheet explains the legal tests for employment status in the UK, and why they are important for establishing workforce rights. It describes how employment status is set out in law, but defined by case law, and outlines how the law might change in this area in the future.

Explore our viewpoint on employment status, rights and regulation in more detail, along with actions for government and recommendations for employers.

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