Today's careers are failing both employees and employers. Employers are not getting the capabilities they need to drive growth and employees are not satisfied with their careers. CIPD and CEB worked together on a series of podcasts to reveal insights from both organisations around this topic. Three of the podcasts are now available.

Episode 1

Duration: 00:20:39

Listen to the first episode of this five-part podcast series to learn:

  • how career satisfaction is affecting employee productivity
  • why this should be a priority for HR and your board
  • how to future-proof your career pathing strategy.

Episode 2

Duration: 00:18:36

Listen to the discussion on the development of experience-based rather than position-based careers. We'll hear how the National Grid uses career-mapping and an experience-based approach to develop capabilities. Listen to learn:

  • how to move towards experience-based career pathing
  • why this should be a priority for HR and your board
  • how National Grid have implemented experience-based paths effectively.

Episode 3

Duration: 00:16:29

Listen to the discussion on how to motivate employees to see the value in a growth-based career culture. Listen to learn:

  • how a growth-based career culture benefits employees and employers
  • how new CIPD research suggests employability is largely subjective and the potential implications this can bring
  • how LinkedIn’s ‘tours of duty’ can benefit organisations and employees.

Episode 4

Duration: 00:18:06

In this episode we discuss the need to use push rather than pull marketing strategies to build awareness of internal opportunities. Listen to learn:

  • How businesses can improve marketing of opportunities to the internal labour market.
  • The challenges of a push marketing strategy and how to implement one in your organisation.
  • Why push marketing strategies are essential to retaining talent.

Episode 5

Duration: 00:22:10

This podcast focuses on the line manager and how organisations can develop a system of talent brokerage to:

  • encourage the sharing of talent
  • ensure that critical skills can be accessed where they are most needed across the business.

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