Data protection is about safeguarding important information and making sure it is used properly and legally. GDPR provides a legal framework for keeping everyone's personal data safe by requiring organisation to have thorough processes in place for handling and storing personal information.

Explore our resources on the law governing data protection, GDPR, surveillance and privacy at work.


Regularly-updated factsheets provide overviews and information on a topic

Two Factsheets about Data protection and GDPR
Data protection and GDPR in the workplace
Introduces data protection law in the UK, covering the obligations of employers and individual rights to accessing information.
For Members
Retention of HR records
Introduces the legal issues in the UK around effective retention and organisation of HR records
For Members

Employment law

Practical resources to help you address employment law issues at work, and keep up with recent and pending legislation.

One Employment law about Data protection and GDPR
Employment law
Data protection, surveillance and privacy at work: UK employment law
Explore our collection of resources surrounding the legal issues relating to data protection, surveillance and privacy in the workplace
For Members


Designed for practitioners, our guides provide recommendations and advice on how to apply good practice in the workplace.

One Guide about Data protection and GDPR
People manager guide: Managing data protection requirements
This guide provides managers with an overview and principles to apply when handling GDPR and data protection requirements to ensure they play their part in complying with regulations governing its safe handling.
For Members


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Data Protection and GDPR

Explore the main areas in people management that are affected by data protection and GDPR so you can mitigate risks.

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