Positive employee relations can lead to high levels of employee engagement. It also can drive enhanced business outcomes, better health and well-being.

Explore our reports, guides and factsheets for information regarding the employment relationship and psychological contract. 


Regularly-updated factsheets provide overviews and information on a topic

Seven Factsheets about Employee relations
Trade unions: An introduction
An introduction to trade unions and how to work with them effectively
For Members
Employee relations: an introduction
Understand what employee relations means as a concept and what it means to employers
Employee benefits: an introduction
Learn how to implement various employee benefits as part of a wider reward strategy
For Members
Employee voice
This factsheet looks at employee voice, its purposes and use, and the benefits it can bring to an organisation and its workforce. It also covers whistleblowing and creating a speak-up culture
The psychological contract
This factsheet examines what the psychological contract is, why it's important and the strategic implications it has on the employment relationship
For Members
Personal relationships in the workplace
This factsheet looks at the policies and procedures employers can put in place around relationships in the workplace, to mitigate risks to the business and their employees
For Members
Employee communication
Learn about building an effective internal communication strategy.
For Members

Employment law

Practical resources to help you address employment law issues at work, and keep up with recent and pending legislation.

One Employment law about Employee relations
Employment law
Trade union recognition and industrial action
Legality of sanctioning workers who strike
For Members


Designed for practitioners, our guides provide recommendations and advice on how to apply good practice in the workplace.

Four Guides about Employee relations
Working with trade unions
Advice on how to work effectively with trade unions
Individual voice channels: Guide for people professionals
Practical advice for HR professionals to maximise the impact of engaging with each employee
For Members
Group voice channels: Guide for people professionals
Practical advice for HR professionals to maximise the impact of engaging with all employees
For Members
Staff fraud and dishonesty
Managing and mitigating the risks


Research and analysis by experts from CIPD and partner organisations

Seven Reports about Employee relations
Working Lives Scotland
Dedicated analysis of job quality and its impact on working lives in Scotland
CIPD Good Work Index
The CIPD Good Work Index provides an annual snapshot of job quality in the UK, giving insight to drive improvement to working lives
Collective employee voice
Recommendations for working with employee representatives for mutual gain
Working Lives Northern Ireland
Dedicated analysis of job quality and its impact on working lives in Northern Ireland
Managing conflict in the modern workplace
Read our latest research on conflict management in the modern workplace, covering the challenges people professionals face, insights to act upon, and links to further guidance for people managers.
Hidden figures: the missing data from corporate reports
A study of people risk and workforce reporting by UK FTSE 100 organisations
Power dynamics in work and employment relationships
Explores the complexities of power in the employment relationship and how employees can best shape their working lives

Case studies

Learn from real world examples of how other people professionals and organisations work with the CIPD to approach key challenges and objectives.

Two Case studies about Employee relations
Case study
A day in the life of an employee relations specialist
A day in the life of Sarah Telford, HR Case Manager within the Ministry of Justice Civil Service HR Casework team
Case study
A day in the life of a people analytics head
A day in the life of Simon Davis, Head of Partner Delivery at Phase 3

Thought leadership

Insight and foresight from our experts in people and the world of work

Four Thought leadership about Employee relations
Thought leadership
Skills, better jobs and business partnership key to UK growth agenda
Ben Willmott explores the new Labour Government strategies to enhance skills and employment to boost economic growth
Thought leadership
What can we expect from a Labour government on employment rights?
CIPD Senior Public Affairs Officer Amie Evans looks at some of the proposals outlined in the Labour Party’s National Policy Framework and what they might mean in practice
Thought leadership
Striking differences
Jon Boys looks at the occupations that are striking and analyses the different factors at play, such as pay, qualifications and hours worked.
Thought leadership
A season of discontent? Working in partnership in times of crisis
Are unions still beneficial? Drawing on the CIPD’s latest research ‘Collective Employee Voice’, Rachel Suff discusses the role of trade unions and how organisations can work effectively alongside them


Webinar recordings providing expert guidance

One Webinar about Employee relations
Working constructively with trade unions
Listen to our webinar to learn how people professionals and organisations more broadly can work effectively with and form a mutual understanding with trade unions

Bitesize research

Your regular overview of current research, inspiring insights and cutting-edge ideas in bitesize

Three Bitesize research about Employee relations
Bitesize research
Employee relations in the NHS post-pandemic
A look at the positive measures of employee relations in the NHS, and areas for action and improvement
For Members
Bitesize research
Managerial trust with employee information and consultation forums
Exploring the factors that can impact upon a manager’s attitude towards I&C
For Members
Bitesize research
Employee reactions to workplace austerity
The impact of employer measures during economic downturns
For Members

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