Throughout the pandemic employees have had the opportunity to rethink their expectations of – and relationship with work. There has been an increasing sense that the dynamic of employee/employer relations has shifted as with the employee wielding greater power and choice. Furthermore, potential employees have become savvier in aligning what they want from work with an organisations value proposition, and it’s now perhaps more crucially than ever that employers are tuned in to what employees and potential employees really want.

Amidst the backdrop of a simmering workplace revolution, the ideas around greater flexibility, more visible signs of social responsibility, and opportunities for personal and career growth, where can employers raise their employee value propositions, and critically where should you start?

Our panel of experts include:

  • Christine Belanger, Senior Director, Rewards, Performance & Workforce Effectiveness, Mubadala Health
  • Florencio Rhency Padilla, Founder and Managing Director, Perky People
  • Jon Boys, Labour Market Economist, CIPD

Chaired by Charlotte Chedeville, Regional Head of Operations, Middle East, CIPD

Raising your employees value proposition

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Powerpoint document 7.2 MB

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