Developing your employees is an essential part of a L&D strategy for your organisation to achieve its business goals. It includes identifying learning and development needs which enable people to flourish. Explore our resources to find out how to develop and deliver effective programmes within this area.




Regularly-updated factsheets provide overviews and information on a topic

Six Factsheets about Learning and development
Learning theories that impact on design
Learn about the influence of theories on how people learn and the shift away from simplistic learning styles theory
For Members
Methods of delivering learning interventions
Outlines different learning methods and what to consider when choosing between them
For Members
Learning evaluation, impact and transfer
Review approaches for evaluating learning and gain insights for consideration
For Members
Learning needs analysis
Learn how to identify learning and development needs at a range of levels, and leverage the results to enable greater business performance
Coaching and mentoring
Identify ways to apply coaching and mentoring principles as part of an overall learning and development strategy
Learning and development strategy and policy
Explore how to create and implement a learning and development strategy and policy to support organisational performance
For Members


Designed for practitioners, our guides provide recommendations and advice on how to apply good practice in the workplace.

Two Guides about Learning and development
Technology use in learning and development
Guidance on how technology can be used responsibly to help manage people
For Members
How to set out references
Our guide to helping you compile bibliographies based on the Harvard system.


Research and analysis by experts from CIPD and partner organisations

14 Reports about Learning and development
Learning at work 2023
The 2023 survey report explores how learning professionals are responding to the changing world of work
Learning and skills at work
Our survey report and case studies, produced in partnership with Accenture, examine current practices and trends in learning and development (L&D)
Impact of COVID-19 on the L&D profession
Our report reveals the lessons learnt by L&D professionals as they adapted their practices in response to the pandemic
Digital learning in a post-COVID-19 economy
This literature review explores how digital learning can support upskilling and reskilling for the post-pandemic recovery
People Profession Survey: 2020 global results
This report, produced in partnership with the WFPMA, SHRM and AHRI, provides valuable international insights into the state of the profession
People Profession 2030: a collective view of future trends
Drawing on collaborative research, our report explores the key trends influencing the future of work and how they will shape the people profession
Driving the new learning organisation: the potential of L&D
Presents evidence for business leaders and L&D professionals to reflect on the new world of work and workers
Professionalising Learning and Development
This report looks at using the new CIPD Profession Map and identifying key L&D development needs
Driving performance and productivity
Research findings from Towards Maturity explore how learning interventions lead to business benefits
The future of technology and learning
Analyses the drivers of technology adoption using practitioner data, and evaluates the potential success of emerging technologies
Future of learning: a changing perspective for L&D leaders
Presents evidence for leaders in learning and development on changing approaches to workplace learning so they can consider the skills they need in future
L&D: new challenges, new approaches
Considers how L&D practitioners can respond to changes in the external environment to improve learning practice effectiveness and enhance organisational performance
Neuroscience: applying insight to L&D practice
Explores how findings from behavioural science are influencing the learning and development and the HR profession
Employee volunteering for learning and development
A look at the link between employee volunteering programmes and learning and development strategies

Case studies

Learn from real world examples of how other people professionals and organisations work with the CIPD to approach key challenges and objectives.

Three Case studies about Learning and development
Case study
A day in the life of an L&D specialist
A day in the life of Neil Barnett, Learning and Development Adviser at Samaritans
Case study
Home is where the heart is: WCHG
Case study on how making volunteering a strategic priority, Wythenshawe Community Housing Group has created a scheme that’s the beating heart of the community
Case study
Police Now: The beat generation
Case study showing how in just three years, the Police Now graduate leadership development programme has already turned out 650 coppers

Thought leadership

Insight and foresight from our experts in people and the world of work

Six Thought leadership about Learning and development
Thought leadership
Leveraging L&D tech to organisational advantage
How can L&D teams can engage with new technologies like generative AI to impact performance?
Thought leadership
Harnessing digital learning platforms to support talent growth
How can people professionals leverage learning platforms to stimulate innovation, map career growth for employees and improve their learning experience?
Thought leadership
Creating impactful and inclusive learning
Enabling flexible, accessible learning that improves a learner’s existing practice
Thought leadership
COVID-19 has reduced investment in skills and learning but also prompted organisations to be more future focused
Lizzie Crowley examines the results from CIPD’s Learning and Skills at Work Survey 2021, and discusses how the world of work will change after the pandemic
Thought leadership
Coronavirus and the workforce: Learning in a COVID world
This thought piece explains why learning and development is more important than ever as organisations navigate the global pandemic
Thought leadership
Upskilling and reskilling now to prepare for the post-pandemic economy
Lizzie Crowley discusses the importance of training and development of employees during the pandemic, and what the Government can be doing to support organisations through online courses


Listen to episodes from our podcast series on a range of topical workplace, HR and L&D issues.

20 Podcasts about Learning and development
Ireland Podcasts
Listen to episodes from our CIPD Ireland Podcast Series on a range of topical workplace, HR and L&D issues
Evidence-based L&D - Learning at the point of need
Outside the workplace we’re blessed with an abundance of tools to learn at the point of need. But what can we achieve in the workplace?
Evidence-based L&D – The gift of AI
Do L&D professionals need greater curiosity to explore how AI can support them and bolster learning outcomes?
Evidence-based L&D – Asking the right questions
Podcast 202: Learning professionals are under constant pressure to demonstrate the value and impact of their interventions. Is there a way for them to bolster their chances of a successful outcome before they dive into planning?
Evidence-based L&D: Overcoming capacity and resourcing challenges
Podcast 199: Listen to this podcast as we unpack how learning professionals can work smarter, not harder, to overcome capacity challenges and prioritise the right things
Evidence-based L&D: Re-engage your learners with the unexpected
Episode 196: Incorporating the element of surprise, explore how learning professionals can provide the unexpected to setup and prime learners to learn more effectively
Evidence-based L&D: Designing learning for purpose, not trend
Episode 193: Exploring how to reinvigorate learning design to meet changing expectations and the needs of organisations and learners
Evidence-based L&D: The power of reflection
Episode 190: Are we underestimating the impact reflection can have on embedding workplace learning?
Evidence-based L&D: Learning off the job
Episode 187: Our everyday lives offer constant lessons. But how do we effectively adapt the experiences, skills and abilities we acquire outside the workplace to improve personal and organisational performance?
Evidence-based L&D: One size doesn’t fit all… or can it?
Episode 184: When it comes to learning, it’s commonly said that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach doesn’t really exist. But is it possible to design learning that is at once adaptable and scalable, suiting not just the majority, but everyone?
Evidence-based L&D: measuring learning transfer
Episode 181: The knowledge and skills employees acquire during learning and development are only valuable if they can be applied soon afterwards in the workplace. So how can L&D professionals ensure ‘learning transfer’ is accurately measured and that training has the desired impact?
Evidence-based L&D: the rise of virtual learning
Episode 178: The digital evolution of organisational learning brought about by the pandemic continues apace. But as we shift from reactive to deliberate change, how can people professionals hone the right skills to effectively utilise these emerging technologies in the future?
Evidence-based L&D – learning theories
Episode 175: Research is advancing our knowledge of how people learn and what it means for effective workplace learning. But with a myriad of theories on offer, how can L&D practitioners get started in understanding, let alone applying, the right ones?
Evidence-based L&D: Business-not-as-usual
Episode 172: Over the course of the pandemic, the learning function has had to pivot on a sixpence to recalibrate learning strategy. But with many teams expected to continue doing more with less, is this a prompt to rethink learning post-pandemic?
Evidence-based L&D – ‘Why does evidence matter?’
Episode 169: Businesses are under increasing strain to be more responsible with their budgets, and as a result, L&D professionals need to adopt an evidence-based approach to design. This podcast unpacks this growing trend and the pressures that ensue.
Evidence-based L&D: learning cultures
Episode 165: This episode explores the relationship between learning cultures and positive learning environments and how the balance will help your organisation flourish
Learning in-the-flow of work
Episode 153: Learning in-the-flow of work requires practitioners to design and facilitate learning close to the workface, and that requires new thinking and tactics.
Integrating HR and L&D
Episode 141: Integrating HR and L&D
Driving performance with L&D
Episode 140: How can learning and development professionals drive performance and productivity in their organisations?
Self-directed learning: anarchy or opportunity?
Episode 139: We look at the rise of self-directed learning in today’s organisations and the challenges and opportunities it presents.


Webinar recordings providing expert guidance

Six Webinars about Learning and development
Practical strategies to deliver L&D
See how you can deliver more with less and explore what's needed for designing learning for the modern workplace
CIPD Careers webinar: What I wish I’d known – HR Directors
Have ambitions of becoming a HR Director? Unpack candid reflections from our panel of HR directors and former CIPD aspiring HRD mentees
Building your career 2021
Expert advice to help you to identify and achieve the next steps on your path to a rewarding career in the people profession
Moving on and up in a pandemic
Watch our webinar to hear how you can identify and progress to the next stage of your career post-pandemic
Learning cultures
Watch our webinar discussing the insights from the CIPD’s Creating learning cultures report and what it means for learning and development post-COVID-19
L&D in an uncertain future
Watch a video and download the slides from our webinar discussing how COVID-19 is influencing learning and development

Evidence reviews

Evidence reviews enable you to ask the critical questions and use evidence for better decision-making.

Three Evidence reviews about Learning and development
Evidence review
Effective virtual classrooms: An evidence review
Evidence-based insight and practical recommendations for facilitating interactive online learning
For Members
Evidence review
Creating learning cultures: Assessing the evidence
This report explores the evidence on learning cultures, the case for embedding a learning environment within organisations, and the steps L&D professionals can take to tackle any barriers encountered along the way
For Members
Evidence review
Fresh thinking in learning and development
A trio of reports which challenge tried and tested models of insight and diagnosis, learning styles and other such approaches, to build fresh insight for L&D
For Members

Bitesize research

Your regular overview of current research, inspiring insights and cutting-edge ideas in bitesize

11 Bitesize research about Learning and development
Bitesize research
The influence of HR qualifications on high performance work practices
Investigating the potential for people professionals to have a positive impact on organisational outcomes
For Members
Bitesize research
Agile delivery of L&D during the pandemic
Responding to lockdown through an agile approach to people management training
For Members
Bitesize research
Organisational learning with AI
Expanding the impact of AI with organisational learning
For Members
Bitesize research
Making webinars effective: lessons from learner feedback
Getting the most from video-based learning
For Members
Bitesize research
Reverse mentoring: the motives
Explore the motives behind reverse-mentoring
For Members
Bitesize research
Are organisations making the most of MOOCs?
Explore the potential for new online learning
For Members
Bitesize research
Beyond training hours: reflections on CPD
Explore this analysis of CPD challenges
For Members
Bitesize research
Working across cultures – leading the way
Get tips on delivering tailored, cross-cultural leadership training
For Members
Bitesize research
What’s holding back leadership learning?
Organisations need 'fertile soil' for 'seeds' of training intervention to grow
For Members
Bitesize research
Executive development – a pay-off for business
An exploration of this under-researched relationship, including the positive effect of executive L&D on firm performance
For Members

CIPD bookshop

L&D Practice in
the Workplace

Explore the fundamentals of L&D theories, models, and practices in the workplace with this introductory guide, available at a 20% discount for CIPD members.

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We offer a range of evidence-based courses tailored to suit you and your needs.
Our Essential Insights courses are free as part of the CIPD membership.

Essential Insights: Valuing Learning from Beyond the Organisation

Explore and facilitate an approach to learning and development that values learning experiences gained from outside the workplace. Aimed at professionals new to the topic, attendees will gain the tools to facilitate the approach and feel equipped to champion opportunities for individuals and the organisation.

Evolving L&D Practice

This evidence-based programme will guide you through the latest learning practices that the CIPD recommend L&D embrace. Rooted in robust evidence from the CIPD and others, the course draws on applied research, core learning theory, neuro and behavioural science. You’ll challenge myths, explore current research and have the opportunity to apply your learning in your day-to-day role. You’ll investigate how to use data and evidence to inform your learning approach with scope to shape the future direction of your organisation’s L&D offering.

Impactful and Effective L&D Teams

This course enables you to enhance your capability and practice to deliver your organisation’s L&D agenda. The design of this programme is intentionally different. Working through the content in real time, you will be able to apply what you learn directly to your own organisation’s needs.

Leading Learning and Development Accredited Programme

Split into three blocks, aligned to the LD standards of the Profession map, you will cover the fundamentals of LD, how learning can be delivered, and ways you can help maximise impact, engagement, and transfer of learning within your context.

Evaluating Learning and Impact Essential Insights

Deepen your knowledge into the importance of evaluation and its role in any learning course. This course will enable you to gain expertise into different learning evaluation models. Also, you will get important insights on how to measure impact, engagement and learning transfer.

All CIPD Learning courses

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Learning shop

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