Recruitment is central to the success of a robust HR strategy for any organisation. However, very few organisations are actually measuring return of investment (ROI) of their recruitment procedures. 

According to our own research, only 14% plan to introduce measures to do so. At the CIPD, our view is that the collection of relevant data can significantly help in the resourcing decision process.

From inclusive recruitment to developing an employee brand, we have reports and insights into the latest recruitment trends. Also, take a look at the induction and onboarding process in detail, to provide value to your organisation. 


Regularly-updated factsheets provide overviews and information on a topic

Four Factsheets about Recruitment
Recruitment: An introduction
Looks at the main stages of the recruitment and resourcing process, from defining the role to making the appointment
For Members
Selection methods
Reviews candidate assessment methods as part of the recruitment process, focusing on interviews, psychometric tests and assessment centres.
A look at the induction process, and the purpose of induction for employer and employee
For Members
Employer brand
Introduces employer brand, why it’s important, and how organisations can develop a strong brand aligned with their values


Designed for practitioners, our guides provide recommendations and advice on how to apply good practice in the workplace.

Three Guides about Recruitment
Technology use in recruitment and workforce planning
Guidance on how technology can be used responsibly to help manage people
For Members
Inclusive recruitment: Guide for people professionals
A step by step guide for employers to ensure fair processes are set up to attract a more diverse talent pool
People manager guide: Inclusive recruitment
Practical guidance for managers to create an inclusive environment, avoid bias and ensure an inclusive recruitment process.


Research and analysis by experts from CIPD and partner organisations

Four Reports about Recruitment
Resourcing and talent planning report
Trend analysis and benchmarking data on recruitment, retention and talent management to inform HR and employers on practice considerations and decision-making
Labour Market Outlook
Read our latest Labour Market Outlook report for analysis on employers’ recruitment, redundancy and pay intentions
Migrant workers and skills shortages in the UK
This report looks at the role of immigration in the context of the post-Brexit skills challenges
Recruiting and developing people for SME growth
Examines different aspects of people management issues in SMEs through 13 case study organisations

Case studies

Learn from real world examples of how other people professionals and organisations work with the CIPD to approach key challenges and objectives.

Three Case studies about Recruitment
Case study
Fair selection: Surrey Police and Sussex Police
A case study on using evidence-based practice to review selection processes for promoting police officers
Case study
Transforming resourcing to future-proof policing: North Yorkshire Police
Case study on how the force developed an agile, innovate approach to recruitment and assessments
Case study
People Profession: Mencap – Recruiting from the heart
How a team with boundless dedication managed to transform the way the Royal Mencap Society finds and keeps its people


One Tools about Recruitment
Age-inclusive recruitment toolkit
Resources for age-inclusive recruitment by the CIPD, the Centre for Ageing Better and REC

Thought leadership

Insight and foresight from our experts in people and the world of work

Five Thought leadership about Recruitment
Thought leadership
The compensation revolution: Incentives to motivate and retain future talent
Matt Burney of Indeed outlines three potential drivers to shape how and why people work in future, and what these would mean for work-life balance and employee empowerment
Thought leadership
CIPD is launching new and timely guidance to help employers recruit inclusively
Claire McCartney discusses our recently published practical guidance on inclusive recruitment
Thought leadership
Focusing on age inclusive recruitment
Claire McCartney discusses the recent launch of the CIPD’s joint guidance with the Centre for Ageing Better and the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) Good Recruitment for Older Workers (GROW) on age inclusive recruitment
Thought leadership
Using technology to improve hiring and onboarding
How can people functions leverage automation and digital technology to improve recruitment, selection and onboarding?
Thought leadership
Making recruitment supply chains work
Explores how the candidate experience should be given greater priority in large-scale recruitment supply chains


Listen to episodes from our podcast series on a range of topical workplace, HR and L&D issues.

Four Podcasts about Recruitment
Recruitment in the social media age
Episode 176: Social media can be an effective and arguably necessary tool for the modern workplace, but in the sphere of people practice, are people professionals effectively using social media platforms to tackle their recruitment challenges?
The true cost of post-Brexit recruitment
Episode 164: Is your existing workforce prepared for Brexit? Understand how new immigration rules will impact your future recruitment plans.
Unconscious bias
Episode 136: How biased are you? How unconscious bias plays into recruitment
Cyber security: recruitment fraud
Episode 133: We explore recruitment fraud, its impact on organisations and what HR can do to protect themselves and others


Webinar recordings providing expert guidance

One Webinar about Recruitment
How the pandemic has shifted candidate decisions
Watch our CIPD North West Region webinar exploring some of the key challenges facing organisations recruiting and retaining talent post pandemic

Evidence reviews

Evidence reviews enable you to ask the critical questions and use evidence for better decision-making.

Three Evidence reviews about Recruitment
Evidence review
Fair selection: An evidence review
Evidence-based insight and practical recommendations for ensuring fair selection in recruitment and promotion practices
For Members
Evidence review
Recruiting young people facing disadvantage: An evidence review
Evidence-based insight and practical recommendations for reaching, attracting and selecting young people from marginalised backgrounds
For Members
Evidence review
A head for hiring: the behavioural science of recruitment
Provides practical tips for avoiding bias in recruitment, attracting applicants, improving the candidate experience, and making better hiring decisions
For Members

Bitesize research

Your regular overview of current research, inspiring insights and cutting-edge ideas in bitesize

19 Bitesize research about Recruitment
Bitesize research
Perceptions of fairness: using AI in selection and recruitment
Exploring the use of algorithms in hiring procedures and what impact this has on candidates’ perceptions of fairness
For Members
Bitesize research
Removing dates from CVs can help people return to work
Why focusing on years of experience could help reduce bias against returners
For Members
Bitesize research
Should interviewees curb their enthusiasm?
How applicants’ emotional restraint or exuberance can influence hiring decisions
For Members
Bitesize research
Personality tests reveal job fit for information systems roles
Research shows that using personality tests can improve the identification of suitable candidates for six IS professions
For Members
Bitesize research
Keeping intuition in check
How can we recognise intuitive decision-making in hiring practices?
For Members
Bitesize research
How to spot graduate talent
Recruiting and selecting standout graduates with potential for on-going development
For Members
Bitesize research
Are personality tests over-rated?
The impact of widely-used personality scales on performance and development remains unclear
For Members
Bitesize research
Could using AI for interviews impact the diversity of your talent pool?
Perceptions of AI vary and may put some candidates off from applying for or accepting a role
For Members
Bitesize research
Workforce development challenges in the early learning sector
Explore the challenges faced by early learning organisations
For Members
Bitesize research
Video-interviews: How do they compare?
Exploring video-interview recruitment practice in HRM
For Members
Bitesize research
Is your approach to hiring right?
Explore tips on how to improve your recruitment process
For Members
Bitesize research
Ethnic bias in recruitment
Explore how ethnic bias can affect recruitment
For Members
Bitesize research
Proving the value of induction
Discover how people data can improve your induction process
For Members
Bitesize research
Recognising the bias in recruitment
Discover more on how to reduce bias here
For Members
Bitesize research
Unearthing ethical behaviour during the hiring process
Find advice for employers here
For Members
Bitesize research
Looking beyond degrees – the case for competency-based hiring
The arguments for revisiting your talent strategy
For Members
Bitesize research
Breaking down barriers to inclusive recruitment
Impact of active labour market programmes on improving hiring practice
For Members
Bitesize research
Healthcare hiring – getting new employees on board
Learn how to engage new employees
For Members
Bitesize research
Autistic job seekers – time to tap into talent
Opening up organisations to valuable talent from people with autism
For Members


We offer a range of evidence-based courses tauilored to suit you and your needs.
Our Essential Insights courses are free as part of the CIPD membership.

Recruitment & Selection Essential Insights

This course provides a high-level overview of the key considerations in recruitment. We explore the primary elements of the recruitment process, including the questions to ask your people function, and/or the recruitment specialists you work with, to support them in delivering greater effectiveness.

Managing the Employee Lifecycle Essential Insights

Explore the key stages of the employee lifecycle, from attraction of new potential employees through to recruitment, induction, development and exit.

HR in Practice

Build your confidence by learning the fundamentals of HR and discover the importance of UK employment law. Learn different recruitment techniques.

All CIPD Learning courses

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