An integrated approach to employee health and wellbeing can prompt higher levels of engagement and productivity while fostering good organisational culture and commitment. 

Explore our resources to learn about the business benefits of championing worker wellbeing and find out how to promote initiatives in your organisation. From physical and mental health to financial wellbeing, use our reports, guides, podcasts and webinars to help your employees build positive habits and manage their health.


Regularly-updated factsheets provide overviews and information on a topic

Three Factsheets about Wellbeing
Wellbeing at work
Understand the links between work, health and wellbeing, and the role of stakeholders in adopting an organisational approach to employee wellbeing
For Members
Stress in the workplace
Learn how to identify the signs of stress and address stress at work
For Members
Mental health in the workplace
Explores mental health issues in the workplace focusing on supporting employees’ mental health
For Members


Designed for practitioners, our guides provide recommendations and advice on how to apply good practice in the workplace.

21 Guides about Wellbeing
How people professionals can look after their own mental health
Advice on how to manage your wellbeing when working in HR
People manager guide: Supporting employee resilience
Practical guidance on helping employees adapt and thrive when faced with workplace stress
For Members
Resilience: Guide for people professionals to support employees
Advice and tips on how HR professionals can support organisational and individual resilience
For Members
Carer-friendly workplaces: Guide for people professionals
Practical guidance to help employers create a carer-friendly workplace
Terminal illness: Guidance for people professionals
Advice on supporting and managing employees with a terminal diagnosis
People manager guide: Responding to suicide risk in the workplace
Practical guidance to help managers respond to suicide risk and promote good mental health
Responding to suicide risk in the workplace
Practical guidance to educate your workforce and open up the culture to talk about suicide
Operating in tough economic conditions
Key considerations and resources to help steer your organisation through difficult conditions
Managing and supporting employees suffering domestic abuse
Guidance and practical recommendations for supporting employees experiencing domestic abuse
For Members
Menstruation and menstrual health in the workplace
Practical advice to help employers provide support around menstruation and menstrual health in the workplace
For Members
Compassionate bereavement support
Practical guidance to help employers support grieving employees 
For Members
People manager guide: Compassionate bereavement support
Practical guidance for managers on supporting grieving employees
For Members
People manager guide: Managing stress at work
Practical guidance for managers on preventing and reducing stress at work
For Members
Technology use in employee wellbeing
Guidance on how technology can be leveraged to support employee wellbeing
For Members
People manager guide: Fertility challenges, investigations or treatment
Practical advice for managers on supporting employees
For Members
Fertility challenges, investigations and treatment: Guide to offering workplace support
A guide for people professionals to provide effective support
For Members
People manager guide: Supporting employees through pregnancy loss
This guide will help managers offer effective management and support
For Members
Pregnancy or baby loss: Guide for people professionals on providing workplace support
Practical guidance to fully support those who have experienced pregnancy or baby loss
For Members
Supporting mental health at work: guide for people managers
Information, advice and templates to support those experiencing stress and mental ill health
Managing drug and alcohol misuse at work
Practical advice for employers on managing and preventing drug and alcohol misuse at work
For Members
Drug and alcohol misuse at work: Guide for people managers
Guidance for managers on providing support and dealing with disclosures
For Members


Research and analysis by experts from CIPD and partner organisations

14 Reports about Wellbeing
CIPD Good Work Index: Northern Ireland
A Northern Ireland summary of the CIPD Good Work Index 2024 survey report
CIPD Good Work Index: Wales
A Wales summary of the CIPD Good Work Index 2024 survey report
CIPD Good Work Index: North of England
A North of England summary of the CIPD Good Work Index 2024 survey report
CIPD Good Work Index
The CIPD Good Work Index provides an annual snapshot of job quality in the UK, giving insight to drive improvement to working lives
Menstruation and support at work
This report explores employees’ experiences of menstruation and menstrual health at work and details how employers can develop a supportive culture
Health and wellbeing at work
Explore the findings and recommendations from the CIPD’s survey exploring health, wellbeing and absence in UK workplaces
Workplace support for employees experiencing fertility challenges, investigations or treatment
Exploring the effective provision and help that employers can offer their people
Workplace support for employees experiencing pregnancy or baby loss
Explores the importance of effective and inclusive workplace support at what can be a very difficult time for people
Reward management survey
The CIPD’s eighteenth reward management survey reveals the UK benefits landscape and highlights the importance of employee financial wellbeing
Supporting working carers
Research exploring the experiences of working carers in England and Wales, produced in collaboration with Sheffield University
Managing drug and alcohol misuse at work
Our report, written with input from charities and experts in the space, examines the management and prevention of drug and alcohol misuse at work
Understanding and measuring job quality
Explores and reviews the academic literature and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the existing measures of job quality.
Developing managers for engagement and wellbeing
Explore our practical resources on developing managers to support employee engagement, health and well-being
Preventing stress: positive manager behaviour
Reports on the final phase of research, funded by the HSE, CIPD and Investors in People, into management competencies for minimising workplace stress

Case studies

Learn from real world examples of how other people professionals and organisations work with the CIPD to approach key challenges and objectives.

17 Case studies about Wellbeing
Case study
Menstruation and menstrual health: Northern Care Alliance
This group of hospitals and community facilities developed a holistic Well Women Strategy to provide support beyond parents and carers
Case study
Health and wellbeing: Southern Health and Social Care Trust
The Trust uses its Workplace Health and Wellbeing Framework to integrate health and wellbeing throughout the organisation, embedding it in culture, leadership and people management practices
Case study
Health and wellbeing: Macmillan Cancer Support
As a health-focused charity, Macmillan recognises and understands the importance of colleague health and wellbeing
Case study
Fertility challenges, investigations and treatment: Thales case study
Read about the approach Thales developed to support employees undergoing fertility treatment
Case study
Hybrid working and employee wellbeing: International SOS Foundation
A case study on using evidence-based practice to better understand how to support hybrid workforces
Case study
Supporting employee financial wellbeing: Leek Building Society
Case study on how one organisation implemented a range of pay and benefits measures to support employee financial wellbeing
Case study
Supporting employee financial wellbeing: A Singapore-based aerospace company
Case study on how a lunchtime seminar programme is helping employees plan for retirement
Case study
Supporting employee financial wellbeing: West London NHS Trust
Case study on how an employee financial wellbeing survey resulted in free breakfasts
Case study
Supporting employee financial wellbeing: SUEZ payroll autosaving
Case study on an award-winning savings initiative to help employees during cost-of-living crisis
Case study
Pregnancy or baby loss support: Vodafone UK
Read about Vodafone’s progressive policy to support employees experiencing a pregnancy loss at any stage
Case study
Pregnancy or baby loss support: The Co-operative Group
Read about the impact of the Co-op’s dedicated policy to support employees experiencing pregnancy or baby loss
Case study
Solving business problems with people analytics: Vivid
VIVID: Leading with data to improve workforce wellbeing
Case study
Supporting working carers: Nationwide
Case study on the impact of Nationwide’s carer-friendly practices
Case study
Responding to suicide risk: PwC
Read about how PwC took steps to ensure work is a place where people feel able to talk about suicide
Case study
Domestic abuse support: Vodafone
How Vodafone are championing change around workplace domestic abuse support


One Tools about Wellbeing
Review your health and wellbeing approach
Use our quiz to assess your wellbeing programme to make the most of an effective wellbeing offering

Thought leadership

Insight and foresight from our experts in people and the world of work

30 Thought leadership about Wellbeing
Thought leadership
How do people professionals support their own wellbeing?
Rebecca Peters offers advice on looking after your own physical and mental health which will help you support the workforce
Thought leadership
Building momentum for menstrual health support
In November, the CIPD published a new report and guide on women’s health at work. Authors Rachel Suff and Claire McCartney provide a summary of the key learning points
Thought leadership
Supporting employees during the conflict in Israel and Gaza
How employers can support employees affected by the conflict, whether in region or globally
Thought leadership
Sickness absence rate jumps to the highest in a decade
Rachel Suff evaluates the CIPD’s Health and wellbeing at work 2023 report, which shows striking data on sickness absence rates
Thought leadership
New guidance on workplace support for employees experiencing fertility challenges
Rachel Suff and Jill Miller discuss the CIPD’s recent guidance on supporting employees experiencing fertility challenges in the workplace
Thought leadership
Dealing with dying at work
Rachel Suff looks into recent research on whether organisations should do more to support employees facing a terminal diagnosis
Thought leadership
Blue Monday — a genuine phenomenon or a marketing ploy?
Is ‘the most depressing day of the year’ based on real science?
Thought leadership
Mobilising wellbeing initiatives through technology
Case study examples of how people professionals can leverage technology to improve worker wellbeing
Thought leadership
The importance of financial wellbeing in the workplace
Blog by Margaret McCloskey, Northern Ireland Partnership Manager at the Money and Pensions Service
Thought leadership
Time to step up workplace support for the menopause
Rachel Suff’s article gives us an update of the CIPD’s latest work on the menopause
Thought leadership
Prioritising wellbeing in an ‘always on’ digital age
Out-of-hours ICT use can lead to ‘always on’ working and be a serious barrier to wellbeing. What can employers do to help?
Thought leadership
In their own words: HR directors talk about work-related mental wellbeing and digital work
HR Directors open up on their views. Now is the time to encourage and help employees to take back more self-control and self-responsibility within their jobs as they continue to work digitally. This is key to relieving work intensification and supporting work-related mental wellbeing.
Thought leadership
COVID-19: How well have organisations looked after people's health and wellbeing
Rachel Suff discusses the CIPD's Health and wellbeing at work survey, in partnership with Simplyhealth. The article reflects on why wellbeing should be a key element for boardroom agendas, the impact COVID-19 has had on employees' mental health, and the need for more support for line managers to do their jobs effectively
Thought leadership
Employee financial wellbeing and preventing in-work poverty
Charles Cotton reflects on how the pandemic has increasingly affected in-work poverty
Thought leadership
How to limit ‘the sinking ship syndrome’ during redundancies
Dr Madeleine Petzer examines how to mitigate the impact of redundancies on victims, survivors and envoys
Thought leadership
Managing and supporting employees experiencing domestic abuse
Following on from the latest joint guidance on domestic abuse and workplace support from the CIPD and the EHRC, Claire McCartney discusses the practical steps employers can take to actively support employees experiencing domestic abuse
Thought leadership
Managing the challenge of workforce presenteeism in the COVID-19 crisis
Guest contributors Christian van Stolk and Michael Whitmore from RAND Europe consider the issue of presenteeism in the workplace and how it has changed since the beginning of the pandemic
Thought leadership
A proactive and preventative approach to managing drug and alcohol misuse at work is essential
Jill Miller talks through new CIPD research into drugs and alcohol misuse at work, showing that training for line managers is essential in supporting employees through the pandemic and beyond
Thought leadership
Mindfulness at work – can it make a difference to performance and job satisfaction?
A recent trial of mindfulness in policing highlighted the potential benefits of incorporating it into wellbeing strategy
Thought leadership
The role of compassion in the workplace
For too long compassion in the workplace has been perceived as an idealistic concept – here’s why it must be the new reality
Thought leadership
Organisations need to work with their carers to give them the support they need, now more than ever...
Claire McCartney explores the challenges working carers face and what employers, and government, can do to support them in the workplace
Thought leadership
Why should employers be concerned about the financial wellbeing of their staff?
Charles Cotton considers new CIPD survey data on employees’ financial wellbeing and the implications for employers
Thought leadership
COVID-19 pandemic means employers urgently need to boost mental health support
Rachel Suff outlines CIPD’s latest report on health and wellbeing at work and how we can support employees, especially during the pandemic
Thought leadership
Breaking the last taboo
Claire McCartney discusses the overwhelming response to the CIPD’s recently-published resources on menopause at work and sets out what you can do in your organisation
Thought leadership
Health at work: prevention is better than cure
Rachel Suff calls for employers to do more to create healthier working environments so prevent mental and physical illnesses for staff
Thought leadership
The positive side of anxiety
Moderate levels of stress can be harnessed to good effect. Work-anxious employees who are motivated are likely to harness anxiety to help them focus on tasks
Thought leadership
Happiness at work – So what?
Looking after your well-being can help your business, your community and our world. Is happiness a weekend luxury?
Thought leadership
Digital resilience in a 24/7 world
Are organisations responsible for helping employees switch off from work? Is technology to blame for increased levels of stress and a 24/7 working culture?
Thought leadership
Wanted: Creativity and empathy hubs
Preparing students adequately for a world of work where the landscape will be all but unrecognisable by the time they get there is a massive undertaking
Thought leadership
Valuing your talent: Thought pieces
Discover expert opinion of how HR analytics and the reporting of human capital is changing the world of work


Listen to episodes from our podcast series on a range of topical workplace, HR and L&D issues.

Eight Podcasts about Wellbeing
Embedding a principles-based wellbeing strategy
Podcast 201: Listen to our podcast and explore how you can better understand the nuanced wellbeing needs of your people. Fundamentally, how best to address those needs and consider the required support.
Men’s health at work: Are organisations doing enough?
Episode 189: How can workplaces encourage more understanding and support for men’s health and wellbeing?
Harnessing Pressure to Drive Performance
Episode 182: We often view pressure at work as negative, something to be avoided at all costs. But is eliminating all stress really a good thing when it comes to optimising employee performance?
Pulling the plug on digital fatigue
Episode 171: Digital communication tools have been a necessary lifeline this past year, helping homeworkers stay engaged and connected. This podcast considers how we can foster a healthy relationship with these tools, avoid digital fatigue and harness the benefits.
Managing alcohol and drug misuse: A wellbeing or discipline issue?
Episode 163: Explore how people professionals and line managers can best support issues of drug and alcohol misuse and what are some of the workplace drivers fuelling dependency.
Managing the wellbeing of remote workers
Episode 159: How can managers best support the wellbeing of their remote workforce, and what should employers consider as organisations plan for an eventual return to the workplace?
CIPD Middle East Podcast 2: Fear detox - how to build resilience for you and your teams
In this episode, we talk to communications and performance coach Anna Roberts to understand how fear comes into play at work, how we can overcome it and cultivate resilience for individuals and teams in these challenging times
Hiding in plain sight: carers in the workplace
Episode 156: We explore how organisations can and should support working carers to avoid losing out on valuable talent


Webinar recordings providing expert guidance

17 Webinars about Wellbeing
Menstrual health is a workplace issue
Explore how you can normalise conversations about menstruation and menstrual health in the workplace to better support women at work
CIPD Ireland North West Region – Creating a strategic approach to workplace wellbeing
Watch the webinar from the CIPD Ireland regional series on how organisations can build an effective wellbeing strategy
Navigating an economic downturn – and looking after your people
Experts discuss avoiding and managing redundancies, legal requirements and managing your own wellbeing.
Supporting employees experiencing pregnancy or baby loss
Listen to our webinar to learn how to create an inclusive and stigma-free organisational framework to support employees experiencing pregnancy or baby loss
Discussing challenges faced by women in the workplace
Watch our CIPD South East Region webinar discussing the challenges faced by women in the workplace
Supporting your people through times of crisis
Watch our video and explore how people professionals can best support their people through the crisis
Let's talk menopause
Watch our webinar to unpack how you can best support colleagues managing menopausal symptoms
Supporting the mental wellbeing of frontline workers
Watch our webinar to explore how you can best support your frontline and key workers’ mental wellbeing now and beyond the pandemic
The importance of sleep, physical and mental wellbeing
Watch our CIPD Midlands Region webinar as we explore the importance of sleep and the reasons behind the recent rise in stress related illness
Offering compassionate bereavement support
Watch our webinar and download slides to explore how organisations can best support bereaved employees in a compassionate and individual way
Employee wellbeing: COVID and beyond
Watch our CIPD Mid West Region webinar discussing employee wellbeing through COVID and beyond
In it for the long haul: supporting employee health and wellbeing
Watch our webinar for expert advice on how you can provide ongoing support for the health and wellbeing of your employees, including those living with long COVID
Supporting employees’ financial wellbeing
Watch our webinar and download slides to receive expert advice on how employers and people professionals can help to support employee financial wellbeing
Letting go of what you cannot control
CIPD LIVE webinar series: Letting go of what you cannot control - with Brian Pennie
HR wellbeing: looking after yourself and your HR teams
Watch our webinar where experts advise on protecting the health and well-being of people professionals
Looking after your remote teams
Watch our webinar on supporting the health and well-being of your remote working teams
Health and wellbeing
Watch our webinar on health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic

Evidence reviews

Evidence reviews enable you to ask the critical questions and use evidence for better decision-making.

Three Evidence reviews about Wellbeing
Evidence review
Bullying and incivility at work: An evidence review
This evidence review summarises the research on the key drivers of bullying and incivility and offers recommendations to help employers maintain healthy relationships among staff
For Members
Evidence review
Mental wellbeing and digital work: an evidence review
Review of scientific research on how work-related factors – including digital work – affect mental wellbeing
For Members
Evidence review
Employee resilience: An evidence review
Our research explores the meaning of employee resilience and the key factors that protect or reinforce resilience
For Members

Bitesize research

Your regular overview of current research, inspiring insights and cutting-edge ideas in bitesize

35 Bitesize research about Wellbeing
Bitesize research
Avoiding burnout when making tough decisions
How can employees build mental resilience to avoid burnout, and what support can employers give?
For Members
Bitesize research
Self-care for leaders to drive health and performance
Good leadership is important for organisational performance and employee outcomes, but what toll does this take on the leader?
For Members
Bitesize research
HR practices: What are the trade-offs for employee wellbeing?
Examining the impact of HR practices on employee wellbeing
For Members
Bitesize research
What factors drive leaveism?
This paper looks at the prevalence of different types of leaveism practices and the reasons behind them
For Members
Bitesize research
The dark side of performance-driven work climates
How do performance-driven organisations impact on employee wellbeing?
For Members
Bitesize research
Missing social interactions leading employees to reject working from home
A look at a German study that explores why some employees prefer to work onsite than from home
For Members
Bitesize research
When and how does psychological safety fluctuate for employees?
An investigation on how psychological safety experienced by employees changes over time and the reasons for these fluctuations
For Members
Bitesize research
Paying for stress?
Performance related pay could have a detrimental effect on mental wellbeing
For Members
Bitesize research
Are you and your colleagues losing the battle with stress?
Proactive coping techniques can help to prepare leaders for future adversity
For Members
Bitesize research
Reducing stress and burnout for remote workers
The importance of good quality management practices in reducing stress and burnout while working from home
For Members
Bitesize research
Domestic abuse: Not just a private matter
It can be difficult to provide effective support, but employers must do more
For Members
Bitesize research
Promoting healthy emotions and high psychological safety for home workers
Identifying good HR practices to maximise the effectiveness of homeworking
For Members
Bitesize research
Mental health disclosure at work
How can organisations ensure employees feel comfortable disclosing mental health concerns
For Members
Bitesize research
The role of emotions
Recognising the influence of emotions
For Members
Bitesize research
Coping with loneliness and isolation during COVID-19
The psychological impact of quarantine
For Members
Bitesize research
Evaluating the impact of human resource management systems
Read more about the impact of HRM systems
For Members
Bitesize research
Putting the tech into wellbeing
Explore how tech can improve wellbeing
For Members
Bitesize research
Understanding resilience
Explore resilience through the concept of organisational ambidexterity
For Members
Bitesize research
How can work-life balance support wellbeing?
Understand the balancing act
For Members
Bitesize research
Making a living or making a life?
Find out the impact of work-life balance practices
For Members
Bitesize research
The science of sleep
Why a good night's sleep is essential for our wellbeing at work
For Members
Bitesize research
Understanding remote working and employee wellbeing
Explores the impact of remote working on employee wellbeing
For Members
Bitesize research
Time for HR to look after itself
Read the full summary of the research here
For Members
Bitesize research
Is your job useful to society?
Read more about the authors' findings here
For Members
Bitesize research
Creating healthy workforces through ‘good work’
Discover how ‘good work’ provides the basis for good health
For Members
Bitesize research
How to switch-off the ‘always-on’ technology culture
What impact does technological connectivity have on worker wellbeing?
For Members
Bitesize research
Building an organisational culture of wellbeing
Read what makes a strong wellbeing culture
For Members
Bitesize research
Tackling technostress at work
Find out how to get the tech balance right
For Members
Bitesize research
Can online self-help tools improve wellbeing?
Find out what the research revealed
For Members
Bitesize research
Wellness at work – making the most of lunch breaks?
Read about this analysis of the lunch break
For Members
Bitesize research
Mental health at work – a law firm leads the way
Read about a convincing case for wellbeing strategies
For Members
Bitesize research
Why financial wellbeing pays off
Explore why financial wellness is a growing priority for employers
For Members
Bitesize research
The right fit between HRM and wellbeing
Learn about the untapped potential for HRM to enhance wellbeing
For Members
Bitesize research
Meaning and purpose beats instant happiness
This article reveals how a simple, resource-light intervention, such as a short training workshop, can impact employees' professional and personal well-being and their sense of meaningfulness and purpose
For Members
Bitesize research
Everybody needs friends – a workplace imperative
This study finds that work relationships not only help people to cope with problems, but also support development and enable employees to flourish
For Members

CIPD Viewpoints

Our collected point of view on the key issues impacting work, from the perspective of employers and policy makers.

One CIPD Viewpoint about Wellbeing
CIPD Viewpoint
Employee health and wellbeing
Explore the CIPD’s point of view on health and wellbeing at work, including recommendations for employers

Policy engagements

Our calls for action.

Four Policy engagements about Wellbeing
Policy engagement
Calling for an Autumn Statement that drives economic growth and supports better work and working lives in the UK
Read the CIPD’s November 2023 submission to His Majesty’s Treasury
Policy engagement
CIPD Manifesto for Good Work
We’re calling on the UK Government to create a long-term workforce strategy centred on skilled, healthy and fair work
Policy engagement
Government consultation on Domestic Abuse and Workplace Support
Read the CIPD's submission to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Policy engagement
Health is everyone’s business: proposals to reduce ill health-related job loss
Read the CIPD's submission to the Department for Work and Pensions


We offer a range of evidence-based courses tauilored to suit you and your needs.
Our Essential Insights courses are free as part of the CIPD membership.

Employee Wellbeing - 1 day course

This course enables you to lead in creating practices to support wellbeing and to take responsibility for ensuring the health and wellbeing of employees is prioritised wherever and however they are working.

Workplace Wellbeing Essential Insights

This course explains the importance of wellbeing, who’s responsible, and some quick wins to boost wellbeing within your organisation. You’ll also take away examples to relate to your own workplace experience.

All CIPD Learning courses

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