Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are distance learning programs offered by top universities and specialist organisations, specifically designed to reach large numbers of geographically dispersed students via open access on the web. 

The CIPD has developed free MOOCs specifically for people who are considering a career in HR and for those who are new to people management responsibilities. 

Over 200,000 people around the world have already accessed these free HR courses and discovered how good HR and people management practices can support organisations and their people.

HR Fundamentals

On this five-week course, you’ll be introduced to the practice of HR. You’ll learn what HR means and how it helps organisations achieve business goals and strategic objectives.

People Management Skills

Whether you’re a natural leader or want to improve your management skills, this 5-week course will teach you the people management skills you need on your journey towards becoming a successful line manager.

Inclusive Management and Leadership Skills

On this four-week course, you will learn the concepts of inclusion, diversity, equality, equity, and belonging. These are all important to leverage the differences and individual strengths of team members with diverse backgrounds.

Other ways to learn with the CIPD

Why choose CIPD Learning courses?

Develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to thrive in a changing world of work with CIPD HR & L&D learning courses. Find out more with CIPD today.

CIPD qualifications

A CIPD qualification gives you the skills to thrive in the workplace at any stage of your career. Find out more with CIPD today.


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