Organisations play a key role in increasing the skill levels of their workforce. Alongside other factors, this can be key in improving productivity and economic growth. To ensure sustainable and effective talent and succession planning, organisations need to understand their current and future business needs. But they must also remain aware of the wider skills context and policy environment in the countries in which they operate.

This factsheet examines the nature and key aims of the UK's skills policy. It explores the skills situation in the UK, covering the issue of low productivity, as well as careers advice, the graduate labour market, and skills mismatch.

Explore our viewpoints on essential skillsapprenticeships and technical education in more detail, along with actions for government and recommendations for employers.

This factsheet was last updated by Lizzie Crowley: Senior Policy Adviser, Skills, CIPD

Lizzie is CIPD’s employment and skills policy and research professional. She develops high-quality research to inform organisational practice, policy and shape the public debate.

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