CIPD Ireland South East Region hosted a webinar in our regions series of virtual events on the topic 'Discussing challenges faced by women in the workplace'

This webinar was joined by the Director of CIPD Ireland Mary Connaughton and Catherine O’Keeffe, founder of Wellness Warrior and creator of the Menopause Success Summit.

Catherine helps organisations implement a comprehensive menopause strategy that leads to meaningful change. She helped over 150 companies choose support over silence including Workday International, StateStreet, Department of Health, Sainsburys, and Microsoft. Catherine is on a mission to shatter the menopause taboo.

During this webinar, Catherine and Mary discussed current challenges faced by women in the workplace such as:

  • why we need to talk about menopause in the workplace
  • the implementation of gender pay reporting
  • how organisations can ensure that women get fair access to development and promotion, and more!


  • Mary Connaughton, Director, CIPD Ireland
  • Catherine O’Keeffe, founder of Wellness Warrior and creator of the Menopause Success Summit

Chaired by Meg Dunphy, HR Policy & Engagement Manager, CIPD Ireland

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