Using the Profession Map to assess the capability of your people professionals

The Profession Map standards are an ideal way to assess the capability of your people professionals, teams or function.

Our People Impact Tool and HR Diagnostic Tool complement our face-to-face competency assessments and focus groups. And our guides show how you can use the Profession Map to support your colleagues, people teams or function.

If you'd like to talk about assessing the capability of your team using the Profession Map, please contact your account manager or email

The Profession Map

Make the most of the Profession Map

The Profession Map is for everyone in our profession – individuals and teams, members and non-members. Learn more about the Profession Map and how you can use it. 

Profession Map
Explore the Profession Map

Explore the purpose, values, knowledge and behaviours at the heart of our profession

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Profession Map updates

Why we review our professional standards and what we’ve changed

Profession Map
The Profession Map

Discover what great looks like for your people team

Profession Map
Profession Map terms and conditions

Find out how you can use the CIPD Profession Map

The Profession Map overview