“For too long the fight for good work and working conditions has been seen as separate, and indeed counter to, the drive for economic growth. We have shown that when employers and workers come together and collaborate on the terms of their endeavour, it benefits everyone.” 

Mike Clancy, General Secretary, Prospect

Ahead of the UK’s general election, we’ve joined forces with trade union Prospect to give the next government a blueprint for transforming the economy and driving prosperity 

Our joint report makes the case for underpinning any new strategy to boost growth with a focus on improving job quality, working cultures and people management practices It sets out key recommendations and policies at a national, sectoral and regional level that would help to improve labour market participation, innovation and productivity across the economy.  

“Competitive pressures, the growing disruption of technology, and the need for sustained economic growth all point to the importance of seeing people as central to labour market and business policy and a wider industrial strategy.” 

Peter Cheese, Chief Executive, CIPD

Key recommendations include: 

  • Establishing a Workplace Commission to bring together labour market institutions, including employer bodies and trade unions, to support policy making across government and consensus on key workplace issues such as new regulation. 
  • Developing a more progressive labour market enforcement system to support and improve employer compliance and help drive up overall employment standards. 
  • Strengthening sector-based social partnership and collective employer representation to improve how skills are developed and used in workplaces at an industry sector level. 
  • Improving business support services within the UK’s nations and regions, to boost the people management and development capability of small and medium enterprises at a local level. 

Making the case for good work

Policy engagement
CIPD Manifesto for Good Work

We’re calling on the UK Government to create a long-term workforce strategy centred on skilled, healthy and fair work

CIPD Good Work Index

The CIPD Good Work Index provides an annual snapshot of job quality in the UK, giving insight to drive improvement to working lives

Influencing public policy

How we influence government policy and legislation to bring about better work and working lives

Explore all our views and insights

Championing better work and working lives

the CIPD

At the CIPD, we champion better work and working lives. We help organisations to thrive by focusing on their people, supporting economies and society for the future. We lead debate as the voice for everyone wanting a better world of work. 

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