In the third session of our Anti-racism stays on the agenda webinar series, our panel of experts discuss how to set up and develop effective employee networks, with a particular focus on race. They explore the steps HR needs to take to support networks and what great leadership sponsorship looks like.

Our panel of experts include:

  • Frank Munro, PROUD Co-Deputy Chair and Campaign Manager, Ministry of Justice
  • Nichole McGill-Higgins, Co-chair Embrace, CIPD
  • David D'Souza, Membership Director, CIPD

Chaired by Katie Jacobs, Senior Stakeholder Lead, CIPD

In this series


Getting to grips with ethnicity pay reporting

Anti-racism stays on the agenda: How can HRDs make a strong case for voluntary ethnicity pay reporting and secure senior leadership buy-in?


Ethnicity pay gap reporting

Ethnicity pay gap reporting and what it means for organisations


Securing long-term leadership commitment

Anti-racism stays on the agenda: Advice and strategies for getting anti-racism onto the board and leadership agenda

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Enabling employee voice for a safe workplace

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Creating menopause supportive workplaces

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