'I've worked in Human Resources for over 25 years and this was an accessible way for me to validate the knowledge and experience I've gained over the years.'

Maxine Dempster, Chartered MCIPD - Head of Human Resources, Kenneth Green Associates

Maxine's story

Maxine joined the CIPD while studying for her diploma 25 years ago, and had recently began to question where she might go next in her career.

She says, 'I'd been sitting on the Associate membership for too long. I knew I needed to do something that would show my years of experience.'

Working in a standalone HR role, Maxine sometimes found it difficult to get her work or achievements recognised. But she knew that one way she could gain professional acknowledgement was by upgrading her CIPD membership.

Maxine had been considering Chartered Membership for some time and reveals, 'I had a completed document saved on my computer for eight years. The hardest part of upgrading was making the commitment to start the process!'

Once she’d made the decision, Maxine found the upgrade process easier and more enjoyable than expected. 'It had little impact on my working day. I had an engaging telephone interview that was conducted at my desk, in an environment where I felt comfortable.'

'It was a very accessible way for me to validate the knowledge I've gained over the years.'

The process was also positive and self-affirming. 'I realised the depth and breadth of knowledge that I had gained over my career. It was a confidence boost to be able to draw on and recall all that I’d learned as an experienced HR professional.'

Since achieving CIPD Chartered Membership Maxine feels that respect for her professional standing has risen within the organisation, and among her peers. Gaining Chartered Membership gives Maxine some extra self-assurance too. With day-to-day support from membership benefits such as the Knowledge Hub backing up her role, she says 'I always feel ready to meet any new work challenges.'

And her final advice to anybody who's thinking about upgrading their membership? Maxine says, 'If you have the required knowledge and experience stop thinking about it and just do it!'

Additional 1-2-1
support available

If you feel you'd like some additional 1-2-1 support, why not invest in a 1-hour coaching call?

Note: there’s an additional charge for this service.

One of our assessors will discuss your evidence with you, give feedback and answer any questions you have. 

Callout Image
Case study
Member upgrading story: Nikki von Bülow

Nikki decided to upgrade to Chartered Member to demonstrate the skills she can offer as an experienced professional.

Upgrade your membership

Learn how to progress your career by upgrading your membership.

Membership grades

Demonstrate your knowledge and impact in the workplace and map out your career path.

CIPD Membership: HR and Learning & Development

A CIPD membership enables you to effectively map out your people profession career path and grow your HR & L&D knowledge. Find out more with CIPD today.