The world of work is in a constant state of flux, with shifting employee expectations, hybrid working, and AI and automation being key drivers of change. With this rapid pace of change showing no sign of abating, we explore how the HR function should be organised to serve organisations and their people - both now and in the future. 

In this series, we analyse current thinking to understand how and why people teams are reimagining their operating models. We interviewed senior people professionals across the private, public and third sectors, in organisations ranging from 1,000 to 330,000 employees, to find out:

  • what factors are driving operating model transformations
  • whether current operating models serve future needs
  • which new models are emerging
  • what makes an effective HR operating model transformation
  • how the role of the HR business partner is evolving.

Our podcast and first thought leadership article provide insights gained from pioneers who are leading the way in HR operating model transformation, reflecting on current practice, the key drivers of change and emerging models.

Our growing series of accompanying case studies reflects the real-life experiences of people functions that have recently evolved their operating model, exploring why it was necessary, the changes implemented and the outcomes achieved - both for the function and the organisation – as well as the challenges faced and their top tips on how to make any transformation successful.  

Read on if you are considering a review of your own operating model.

Do current HR operating models serve
future needs?

We look at what’s driving change in HR structures, what emerging models look like and what to consider when evolving your current model

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More in this series


HR's next top operating model

Is the traditional HR operating model still fit-for-purpose or do we need to consider a new model?

Case studies

Transforming the HR operating model: Homebase

A case study on moving to a lean, strategic HR model that operates more efficiently to support business objectives

Case studies

Transforming the HR operating model: Firstsource

A case study on maturing the HR model to align to the changing needs of the business, building capability, and introducing a dedicated team focused on employee engagement

Case studies

Transforming the HR operating model: Peabody

A case study on developing strategic partners, aligning teams, increasing data analytics skill, and transitioning the L&D team into an internal academy

your experience

Have you transformed your operating model?

The CIPD would love to hear about your journey.

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Earlier research on changing HR
operating models

A collection of thought leadership articles from lead thinkers, academics, practitioners and consultants on the future of the HR function

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More on this topic

Is a transactional attitude to work problematic?

Work for many has become simply a means of income. If this means disengagement with the employer’s purpose or values, then what?

Case studies
Transforming the HR operating model: Homebase

A case study on moving to a lean, strategic HR model that operates more efficiently to support business objectives

Case studies
Transforming the HR operating model: Peabody

A case study on developing strategic partners, aligning teams, increasing data analytics skill, and transitioning the L&D team into an internal academy

Case studies
Transforming the HR operating model: Firstsource

A case study on maturing the HR model to align to the changing needs of the business, building capability, and introducing a dedicated team focused on employee engagement

More thought leadership

Thought leadership
Do current HR operating models serve future needs?

We look at what’s driving change in HR structures, what emerging models look like and what to consider when evolving your current model

Thought leadership
Leveraging L&D tech to organisational advantage

How can L&D teams can engage with new technologies like generative AI to impact performance?

Thought leadership
Navigating change with speed and agility is key for the C-suite

Peter Cheese, the CIPD's chief executive, looks at the challenges and opportunities faced by today’s business leaders and the strategic priorities needed to drive future success

Thought leadership
Creating a neuroinclusive organisation for the future of work

The CIPD’s Dr Jill Miller and Uptimize’s Ed Thompson explain why workplace EDI must include neuroinclusion - and a dedication to equality of outcomes for all types of thinkers - if organisations are to fulfil their people commitments, attract and retain great talent, and unlock innovation through true diversity of thought