Employee voice is the way people communicate their views to their employer and influence matters that affect them at work. For employers, effective voice contributes to building trust with employees, innovation, productivity and organisational improvement. For employees, self-expression in voice often results in feeling valued, increased job satisfaction, greater influence and better opportunities for development. Employee voice is important in creating inclusive working environments too.

This factsheet explores employee voice and its different forms in an organisation. It looks at the changing nature of voice and influence in the employment relationship, mechanisms for participation, whistleblowing and how employers can create a safe environment where individuals feel able to speak up.

Explore our viewpoint on employee voice in more detail, along with actions for government and recommendations for employers. For practical advice on unlocking the potential of employee voice, see our employee voice guide.

Talking about voice: insights from
case studies

Creating opportunities for people to have effective voice at work is a fundamental aspect of ensuring job quality. Our report investigates how employee voice operates and is understood through the lens of case study organisations.

Callout Image

This factsheet was last updated by Jake Young: Research Associate, CIPD

Jake’s research interests cover a number of workplace topics, notably inclusion and diversity. Jake is heavily involved with CIPD’s evidence reviews, looking at a variety of topics including employee engagement, employee resilience and virtual teams.


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